Well, I gues you can see by the pics that my wife and I had or baby yesterday... She woke up yesterday morning at about 5AM with a contraction that was different than the ones she had been having... She woke me up about 5:20AM and we started timing them. They were on average about 6 minutes apart but not too consistant. We decided to go ahead and make the call over to Granddad to come and stay at our house for when our girls got up and we drove to the hospital. They wheeled us into the room at about 7AM and when they checked my wife she was at 4cm. Her doctor came in and ended up breaking her water for her. (Jess' nurse was

pissed cause he did that before the Anesthesia guy came around.) She had a few really strong contractions that brought her to tears. Then Dr. Steel arrived or should I say SUPER STEEL!!! He fixed her up with an epidural. Smooth sailing from then on. We started pushing at about 9AM , and I do mean we... if you've ever been in this before you understand that you find yourself pushing with the mommie every time, the joke is that everybody ends up leaving the delivery with hemerroids... Anyway, pushing... yes pushing... The baby was turned face up which makes for a more difficult delivery. Our doctor tried to turn him but couldn't

. He seemed to get stuck on the pubic bone... We kept pushing with the nurse who was awesome by the way... and she was actually able to turn him face down... PHEW!!! If he stayed stuck in there we'd have had to go for a C-Section. Once he turned over he didn't waste any time coming out. He was 5 lbs. 9.2 ozs. 17 inches long and was born at 10:24 AM October 20th, 2005
Things were a bit different with this one... I didn't find myself bawling as I did with my two daughters. I was just so very proud to have had a son. We named him Jesse James Mehaffey. Now let me explain that... My wife

is Jessica, named after her Grandfather Jesse. I am Patrick James... and my father, grandfather, and great grandfather are all James something... So it is the perfect family name combonation.
Thinking about yesterday and all that happened there is one thing that sticks out in my mind... I don't think I will ever be more proud than when I presented MY SON to his GRANDFATHER!!! Thanks to all those that called and came by to see us. We may actually be going home today. My wife's doctor has cleared her, but we need the baby to be cleared to leave... If that happens then I'll be at home tonight on the couch with my son watching the KC/Dolphins game!!!
wow, look at all that hair! I think he has more hair than my two year old has!! haha!
way to go guys, what a cute little bean he is. :)
Congratz! Are you jealous of his head of hair?
CONGRATULATIONS, Pat and Jessica and family. I knew that little guy should be coming around sometime. What a blessing! Best wishes to your family from Megan and Ryder and me!
congratulations guys! we are so happy for you!! you guys have an amazing gift for making beautiful babies. many blessings to you all.
love, jeff, silla, noah & darby
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