Ok so here's the deal. I've owned two Harley's in the past. My first was a brand new 1998 Sportster Hugger that I bought when I worked at the Harley Shop right out of college. Similar to the one you see here, except mine was black. I loved that bike... it was a dream come true for me. I had sold my little Honda VT500 shadow for the down payment ($1000) and financed the rest. I was a happy camper. At that time in our lives, my wife and I had one car and my bike... Unfortunately, I did not have this bike for very long. I stepped outside my apartment one morning all dressed in my leathers with helmet on... "hmmm... maybe I parked over there..." Nope!!! Stolen. Yeah I was sad, but never really angry. I just couldn't believe it happened to me. The good thing was that it was brand new so my insurance company called the dealership, which I work at, to determine a value for the bike with the accessories I had added to it. I ended up getting more for the bike then I paid and got a little more than my deposit back. I took that deposit and bought my second and last Harley.

A 1992 FXRS Conv. I had a big twin. I did pay too much for it. I realize that now, but boy did I LOVE it. It's similar to this pick except mine was blue and didn't have nearly this much chrome, but you get the idea. A lot more power in it's 1340 cc engine vs. the sportsters 883 cc enginge. I vowed to only own a big twin Harley after that. It's just a much more comfortable ride. I ended up selling that bike after having it for about 3 years. My wife and I decided to try and eliminate our debt load and I took the first step in selling my bike. I ended up getting enough out of it to pay off one of our credit cards, plus eliminating the bike payment... In the long run it has been the right decision to have made.

Now I find myself wanting another bike. So, here's the delimma. I don't have any money... LOL Funny huh. So with that in mind, I have been looking at other bikes. I really like a chopper/bobber style bike and have been looking on Ebay at different bikes. Ones that I have liked are ones made using a classic Triumph engine. Check the pic. This is one of the favorites I've seen. Very Old School and Tough!!! It's listed on Ebay for $3500. No bids and currently 6 hours left. It even has a sawed off shotgun as the suicide shift. So, What do I do. I can't really afford a bike, not even this one. I certainly don't want to add any monthly payments. I've considered one of these Triumph choppers or a Harley Sportster again, with the hopes of buying a Big Twin Harley later down the road... I am afraid though that if I don't get another bike soon, I never will, or it will be too late to really enjoy it. My daughters are 6 and 2. My son will be born in November. We plan to have more children. The older they get the less likely it will be that I have "extra money" for a bike purchase... And I don't really even have any money now...
My delimma is should I get a bike sometime soon, or should I wait. If I do get one should I go for the Big Twin Harley my heart desires, or a little sportster or Alternative brand bike? You see my pain don't you... Please chime in on your opinion...
Ah... Donations are also accepted... Feel free to buy any one of these options for me... =)
ok, you mention "i don't have the money for this" about a hundred times in your post....thats your first clue...(and as i dust of my psychology degree, i give you my professional insight by saying "you subconsciously (and/or consciously) already know the answer to the dilemma".)
LOL ;-)
i would say wait. you are a money man, you know the deal! my hubby is also in the mortgage biz, and prior to that owned his own financial planning biz...and if you dont have the money now, going into debt is NOT going to help your sitch.
your best bet is to begin saving for it...then when you can afford it, go for it. if you dont think you can faithfully save money for it, then how do you think you will faithfully send the payments away when you have it??
"and you know this, man!"
and besides, motorcycles are deathtraps...you are about to have another reason for living joining your family...why mess with that? Maybe God is trying to give you the hint that you arent supposed to have a motorcycle....hey, just guessing here, haha!
bottom line though....save first, buy later.
I do agree with you on the save first thing, It's just that in trying to save money, tht money could be spent on other necessary things instead of saving for a motorcycle... There's always something else to spend money on.
I disagree with the Death Trap thing. It is only a death trap when the driver rides outside their or the vehicles ability. Also if riding under the influence of substances. I've ridden (on my own bikes) for about 7 years and on occasion after i sold my last one since then. I have almost gotten into 3 accidents, but was able to avoid all of them because I drive very carefully and defensively. Motorcycles can out maneuver, accelorate, and brake any 4 wheeled vehicle, so if you are alert and driving defensively you can avoid most accidents and those you can't avoid you can substantially reduce the injuries to yourself by again driving defensively and within your own abilities...
Sorry about the preaching session... =) LOL
well...i still think you're crazy!
and a BIG difference is...if you and me get in a wreck, and i'm in my big ol' minivan, and you're on your harley...i'm walking away, you are not. i dont care if you ARE wearing your little round helmet, that wont stop my tire from squishing your head like a grape!
i'm just sayin'. a bicycle just should NOT go that fast, haha!
aaaaand, if the motorcycle is that important to you, then you'll save for it. and if something else needs the money more, then wouldnt that thing be more important? and then also, wouldnt you be glad you hadnt already BOUGHT the motorcycle, so now you can spend that money on this thing that is more important?
i dont know how you guys do the whole money thing, but we give ourselves "allowances", mine includes the money i spend on food and necessary stuff for the little one, but also includes some "slush" for me to spend on whatever my little heart desires...sooo, its up to me what i spend or save for...if i want lasik surgery (which i do very badly), then i should resist spending splurges at, say target's shoe department, and put it aside instead.
of course i dont get to put aside the month's grocery allowance to save for eye surgery, but the money that is "mine" is up to me to disperse (or save).
just something to consider...
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