Memory Loss in Pregnancy: Fact or Fiction?

(picture is not my wife)
The Experts...
Pregnancy can be a time of joy and expectancy for a woman, but few women will experience a pregnancy completely devoid of negative side effects. While most symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, weight gain, and increased fatigue can be attributed to measurable increases in hormone levels, other symptoms, such as short-term memory loss, are less quantifiable, and therefore, perhaps less palpable. In fact, recent data suggests that the memory loss experienced by pregnant and postpartum women is both real and measurable, despite an apparent lack of association with either anxiety or hormone levels.
What is Short-term Memory Loss?
If you are pregnant and approaching your third trimester, you may find yourself increasingly misplacing items such as keys or eyeglasses, forgetting appointments, or suddenly losing your train of thought in the midst of performing a task. Rest assured, this probably does not signal the onset of early Alzheimer’s disease, but may be a temporary condition known as short-term memory loss. Short-term memory, or working memory, as it is also known, is the process by which we store most of the daily, generally transitory information we need to get through our daily routines. This kind of information will most likely never make it’s way into our long-term memory, the process we reserve the more permanent information we encounter.
Memory Decline Greatest in Third Trimester
Approximately half of all pregnant women report increases in forgetfulness during the latter part of pregnancy and in the postpartum period.
In a 1998 study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Keenan and associates monitored the memory and anxiety or depression level of a group of women throughout pregnancy and in the postpartum period. A similar group of nonpregnant women were likewise monitored for comparison. While the length of material influenced the amount recalled for both groups, pregnant women in the third trimester showed a significant decline in memory. No such decline was noted for nonpregnant women.

The Layman...
I AGREE!!! LOL Let's see what examples I can think of...

The last example I'll give we experienced this month. I gave my wife a paycheck to deposit into our bank account. She takes it to the drive through and somehow it gets deposited into another account at the same bank that hasn't been used in a year or so... The truth of the matter is that my wife gave that account number as the account to put it in... LOL This was discovered when I couldn't buy gas for my car yesterday and the gas pump was screaming at me "NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF

I pray for one of 2 things to take place... 1) Example 3 to not happen again. 2) A medicine to be created to keep pregnant women's brains from shrinking...
The ongoing joke in my family is stated in one phrase when something is overlooked or forgotten... "6 Percent" LOL...
some parts of this make me feel so much more justified about the stupidity that overcame me during pregnancy...although knowing that my brain actually SHRUNK leaves me a little unsettled!! haha!
Theres a phrase that all my friends like to pass around to all the preggo ladies: "they say its the placenta that comes out with the baby, but really....its your brain!".
I can't say that my brain has recovered from the shrinkage, even almost two years after having my son...what's up with THAT! I used to be smart...really! LOL
PS - the cure to NSF accounts and missing lunches: dont leave anything up to your wife right now!! ;-)
LOL i think you're right... always have a plan B. Thanks for the comment.
Hmmm. I wonder does this go both ways? I mean... if I start to have these kinds of problems with my memory, is there a chance I could be preggers? Should I buy a kit? See a doctor? An exorcist?
BTW, Pat - Krysten is my all-time favorite Jr. High girlfriend and long-time bus riding partner. She did, in fact, go to BRHS, and is now.... wait - what was I talking about again?
I'm hungry...
Hilarious you funny man J.T.
I'd recommend the the tests from the dollar tree... They seemed to be accurate enough for us. :)
-Pat Man
oh geez jason, why you gotta go and air our dirty laundry like that?! haha!
next you'll be talking about how you made out with my ear! oh wait, did i just say that?
and you only say favorite JR. High girlfriend because i wasnt fat enough for ya in HS! LOL
With your ear.... Hhhmmmm that sounds like a story I need to "hear" (Cheesy pun intended) Maybe we should swap stories... LOL I've got some great poetry written by the J.T. himself I could share with ya... LOL
hmmm, did you say poetry?? check out my post on memoriiiiiies...the unnamed artist gives himself away in the comments....hey, i tried to make it anonymous! he spoke out on his own! LOL
B. E. A. U. tiful!!! I've got some later poetry from said person a.k.a. Flash/Boywonder now. I think I may entertain Bribes to determine what I may or may not post. *wink wink*
Maternal stress is also linked with imperfections in the developing nervous system which can lead to problems of perception, thinking, and memory. These mothers experience constant stress, shame, loneliness and, sometimes, clinical depression during pregnancy or after giving birth.
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