Pictures from Iraq
Here are a few pics from the website listed over there =============> "Bo in Iraq" Just a taste of the daily life in Iraq. Hopefully you will visit the site your self and see the photos and even video clips that are posted there. Please leave some comments.
Here's Home away from home.
Dust plume... or a giant monkey? You make the call.

Explosive round
Bo get's an IV for "preventative" measures. He looks happy about what he's fixing to get...
A picture you won't se on CNN. Soldiers throwing packpacks with goodies to Iraqi children.
Bo readies the radio before a morning mission.
Finally, some time to relax. Bo doing what he does best.

Explosive round

Great to see pictures of Bo! Very proud of him and all the serve men and women serving our country! May God watch over all of them and keep them safe!
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