Amazing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Part 1
This could only happen in South Louisiana
The tug is approaching the bridge pushing barges loaded down with coal. Not an unusual sight on the rivers in South Louisiana.

Note the swiftness of the current. It appears that the river is near or at flood stage.

You can see that the captain made sure the barges cleared the bridge supports, but the draw bridge was not raised in enough time. The tug fights in reverse to stay ahead of the current and avoid a collision with the bridge.

He couldn't do it though. The current is too swift and the bridge is struck. What now?

Oh NO!!!! The current has turned the boat sideways... this does NOT Look good!!!

Looks like the Tug is going under one way or another!!!

This does not look good. No One seems to have bailed out either!!!!

Nothing more to say....
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