Tatoos... Taboo???

On the FOR side... 1) My wife would think it's HOT!! 2) It is a little edgy which I have kind of always been with my waist length hair in high school and college, &my shaved head now, 3) It would make me feel like more of a Biker though I am still without a bike (I miss my Harley). 4) It could be a big display of the important things in my life (If i could pick what to get tatooed on me). 5)It is more socially acceptable than it has ever been. 6) there's more I'm sure that I will edit in later and... 7) My wife would think it's HOT!! (That's definently worth counting twice!!!)

I notice that my AGAINST side has more points than my FOR side... that's probably why I haven't gotten one up to this point... On to the next question. What would I get? I really don't know. I've thought about the names of my children and my wife. I've thought about some Christian Symbol like the Icthus or cross with a crown of thorns or even Scripture Itself. I've thought about many things, doodled on countless pads trying to design something... I am also spurred on by watching shows like Miami Ink, where these guys do Fantastic Work. I would want mine to look that good. Is someplace locally good enough or should I make a trip out to Miami??? I digress. What do you think?
This is completely open for your comments, even if you don't know me tell me what you think? Do you have tats? What are they? Do you like them? Do you want more? Are you addicted? How expensive are they? What are your suggestions for me? Where do you stand on Tats from a Biblical Perspective?
Big question for me... I alluded to it earlier. As a Christian, how is this viewed scripturally? I've never really been one to worry about what other people thought about me in General, though I am aware of the effects of certain things in Business etc... I am however concerned with being within God's plan and His Word... Honestly, I've not done much research on tatoos in the Bible, though I recall a reference to tatooing scripture on your body... I cannot remember the address, sadly... Give me your wisdom on this...
Yeah that's the reason for #1 and #7 on my FOR list... ;)
Heya mate,
On the tattoo debate, i think we had this discussion whilst chatting on Magic one night (but i do like a drink and all so my meomory is always a bit fuzzy)
I have 4 tattoo's and i think i'd have had a helluva lot more if i'd had them done at an age when i had more desposible income..as it was i had them when i was 17-21 so not alot of spare cash during the student years..anyway, i still like them i have 4, 3 dragons and a terrible old skull with a mohawk 2 of which were my designs and 2 weren't, 15 years down the line they could probably do with a touch up, they're looking a bit tired..but then in 10 years they'll juts look tired again..meh. I think as long as the subject of the tattoo is a good one, and the idea i solid and the design is timeless and well designed...and most importantly the tattooist is the best then it's a good idea. (to find the best tattoist pick up a magazine..a bike magazine is a good place to find them)
I'd never actively encourage anyone to get a tattoo...so i'd say no...don't get one, do i regret mine? no would i get one now? no..it'll alwasy be down to what you want to do.
I also seem to recall we discussed tattoo's in another language...but i can't mremeber if you wanted hindi or arabic..send me the writing you want agin...and i'll get it done for you. (David Beckham has his sons name in hindi down one arm and his other sons in other languages in various places)
attention span of a gnat, memory of a goldfish
I highly encourage the reading of Leviticus 19. The jest of the passage is about loving God, and loving your neighbor, though you'll see that it is communicated as laws using do's and don'ts.
28 " 'Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.
While we certainly aren't required to follow this because:
a. You're a gentile, not a Jew
b. You're saved by grace, not works (along with Bono, apparently) under a new covenant, not the old one
I think that the general idea that God may think that tats aren't a good thing for us (for whatever reason) should still be weighed in.
A little bit more abstract, but worth mentioning is that God put a mark on Cain as a curse in Gen. 4:15. Of course we obviously don’t know that this has anything to do with a tat, but it was a mark added after birth, by God, for the purposes of a curse.
“Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.”
I think it’s also important to note that Jesus was marked (wounds). It’s well understood that Satan has always imitated the Lord in perverse ways. Historically, even in our own culture, tats have typically been associated with evil, demonic, or rebellious things, including pagan worship rituals during Old Testament times. I think in some form this may be the devils way of imitating and diluting and mocking Jesus’ authentic, non self-inflicted wounds by intentionally inflicting and distorting the body. I think body piercing and Jesus’ piercing would be similar in comparison, and as you noted, these things have become more acceptable, as the days have become darker.
Paul talks about his body being marked with the sufferings of Jesus, the implication is that he has been physically persecuted and has the scars to prove it- obviously a horrible and yet holy thing- but it was inflicted by others because Paul chose to do the right thing- very honorable in God’s kingdom (Mt. 5)
And God talks about marking us for himself.
Eph 1:13
“Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit”
They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.
I think it’s also noteworthy that Revelation talks about the mark of the beast. I don’t think this has anything to do with tats, but I think it could be a further indication of the hidden importance that markings may play in the spiritual/and eternal world.
For me I look forward to the mark of God being revealed and I’m not interested enough in the other stuff to do it.
I certainly know many people who pierce themselves as a sign of a bond-slave to the Lord (which is in the OT), but the same people typically think piercing are also cool (perhaps a bit self-served). I know people who believe the Lord told them to get a tattoo and so they did. I also know a lot of people who simply just like them and get one.
While I hold no judgment against those who pierce or tattoo my own feeling on it is that the Lord had a purpose for telling the Israelites not to do it, and while we’re certainly free to do it (again, grace, not works) I’m inclined to spend my resources elsewhere. It doesn’t hurt that I’m not crazy about tats anyways, though I have considered both piercing and tats, I’m thankful, though, that I chose not too. Like you said, they’re not exactly removable. Whatever you decide, you have done good to wait until you are certain.
I highly recommend the use of a concordance, or www.biblegateway.com to quickly do Bible word searches.
Thank you mcs for your comments and the guidance on the online concordance... that will come in handy.
wow, mcs has some good info there, as well as CttC.
i'll weigh in my opinion as a stranger, but as another christian who has piercings and a tattoo and plans for a second.
i am 28 and have my nose, tongue and navel pierced, and have a small green four leaf clover on my back. the tattoo i got when i was 18 and on spring break...i had wanted one for some time, and so once i turned 18, it was a no brainer that i would get one.
my nose and tongue i had done in college (i had been collecting more and more piercings in my ears and had 11 by then...cartilage and earlobe).
all of these things i did prior to salvation, however, even after i became a christian i kept them, because i never felt i did any of them out of a "rebellious spirit", i simply liked how they looked...i wasnt trying to "prove anything" to anyone.
i did consider them to be a sign of "youthful freedom", however, and the day of my wedding in 98 (i got married in college), i took all my piercings out, thinking that it was time to "be an adult", and adults dont do those kinds of things.
if theres anything i've regretted about my tattoo or piercings, it is taking the piercings out...THAT was the only time that i let myself be "pressured". some time later (about a year ago), after a college degree, jobs in "corporate america" (and even working at my church for 3 years), several years of marriage, and a baby, i realized "wait a minute...i'm an adult, and i can do what i want!". Basically describing the "saved by grace not works" idea. i have recently experienced a freeing from the legalistic ideals that sometimes accompanies being a christian in the south (just generalizing here folks, no one get mad...but when i've come back to the church i went to back in ol' BTR, i realize just how southern baptist it is. and it makes me laugh).
anyway, i decided to get my tongue pierced again about a year ago. i did some thinking about it, discussed it with my husband, and neither of us could really think of a "hard and fast" reason NOT to do it. again, there was no "point" to prove, no rebellion i was acting on. so i did it (of course i felt they did it a little crooked, so i ended up taking it out letting it heal and going back to have it redone! haha!).
then at the beginning of this year i had my nose pierced again. why? because its attractive to me...and to my husband (definitely worth counting multiple times on the FOR list!).
then about three months ago, i did my belly button. why? because i think its attractive...and i have two scars in my belly button because of surgeries relating to my pregnancy, and i wanted to use a navel ring to take attention away from those. ok, so maybe thats a vain reason, but theres a part of me that likes to make the most of what i have, and if that means scars, then i'll decorate them. i've even thought about turning the two small (about 1 cm each) scars on my stomach into dragonflies after my husband said thats kind of what they looked like (imagine a 1 cm line with a couple dots on either side from staples). because if you have to be marked, you might as well make it pretty! haha!
ok, so the second tattoo is one that i had planned on getting before i became a christian...it is a design from a shirt that i received from a friend who lived in thailand. i always loved it, and thought it would make a great tattoo. i still do, so its hard to argue with that.
to me, its aesthetic. i like the way piercings and tattoos look, to a certain EXTENT...i'm not really into the whole "turn myself into a lizard or lion" look, but hey man, whatever.
it comes down (as most things do) to a heart issue. what are your motives.
also, finding an image/design that you will like FOR-EVEEEEER is important. as is finding a place that isnt going to freak out the boss, or your grandchildren. LOL
although, picking something light-hearted is ok too...take my four leaf clover...ok, so slightly on the "trite" side (but better than a rose or dolphin thank you very much!), but i'm irish, so it's not totally out of the blue. also, its in a place that no ones sees unless i decide to show them (i dont wear very many backless dresses, haha), so its just for me. i'm not embarassed by it, and if someone sees it, its like "yeah? so what? just a little decor, big deal"...i dont have like a huge deep meaning it in...i just like it.
soooo, there you go. haha! more power to ya! just dont get like a dragon climbing up your neck and onto your face...i just dont see how that could ever be a good idea! LOL
Pat, I'm with Jessica. I think it would be hot. Not that you need it... Do what I did and go, "who cares what the reasons are for not doing it." then do it and then ask questions.
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