Hi there everybody. I found myself looking at some old pictures this morning and found a few of them that I'd like to share with you. You may be surprised by a few of them, but that's the fun isn't it. To my hunny.... I hope you like them, they are posted without your permission... Hehe.
First a couple of really old ones... (To us at least) This on is Christmas hug. Note the genuinely excited smile of my wife... LOL Not sure why she has that expression, but I do seem to be happy. Note my flat tummy and the flowing locks!!! WOOT! Quite a change from me today... on both accounts.

She looks a lot happier in this one. That's her dad's chin in the back ground. Speaking of her dad, the next picture is of Jess and I playing a benefit with her dad. For those of you that don't know, Jess' dad was an entertainer for 25 years; a large portion of which he did an Elvis style show called the Don Hinton Show. On occasion he has dusted off his Elvis suits and performed for a fund raising event. This pic shows one of the times both Jess and I performed with him.

Note my shorter hair in this one... I look like I'm deep in thought... LOL

Now moving along and speaking of Elvis... Let's go back a bit more... Here's a pic of my wife clowning around in her wedding dress before we were married doing an Elvish... hehe or should that be Elvisish pose ???? She was 19 in this picture... (SHHHH!!!! Don't tell anybody, but she's gonna be 30 this year... SHHHHHH!!!)

Now one more that I just though was sweet... me kissing her pregnant belly that's holding our first of three children... WOW what a life I've lived. It sure has been great!!! And it just keeps getting better!!!
oh. oh no. oh my. oh pat.
um. theres just something wrong when the guy has the longer hair in the relationship.
that is frightening.
i'm afraid.
You know you love the long hair.
I came here hoping to see what wifey had to say about this post. Hmmmm...
no, no....i'm beginning to see that bald is better.
and wifey (if i may call her that) shouldnt have any objections to HER parts of the pictures, she's cute as a button....HER hair looks just fine! haha!
I'd be careful using the word "bald" Some of us Shave their head out of want instead of out of necessity.. Right J.T.!!??!!
beg your pardon!
"shaved" is better, then.
although shaved is itchy...waxed is better...
OUCH!!!! How dare you mention waxed... Geez. Men don't have the same pain threshold women do...
And just to set things straight, Shaved is not itchy if it is done everyday...
aw, geez, it's not THAT bad! well, as long as someone ELSE is doing it.....otherwise you're bound to prolong your pain by psyching yourself out..."ok NOW...no, no, wait i wasnt ready, NOW...nope, couldnt do it then either...ok, reeeeeady....", and on and on.
i couldn't imagine having to shave your head EVERY DAY...geeeeeez. you just decided that you liked shaving your face so much you would continue on up to the top, or what??
and i bet if you get a nick if freakin' bleeds and bleeds, eh? head cuts always bleed the most.
don't ask me how i know all these things, haha...i've lead a full life.
well, jexa, as long as you havent shaved YOUR head, i think you're probably doing just fine! ;-)
PS - Elvis rocks!
I think you're "Dead Sexy!!!" Jexa!!
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