Angels.. My Angels
Oh My GOODNESS!!!! I just got these pictures from a friend of mine. They were taken on Easter Sunday after church. My Girls are Georgeous!!!! I don't know what I did to deserve
Anyway, have a great day! -Pat__Man |
A failed attempt at a daily journal..
Oh My GOODNESS!!!! I just got these pictures from a friend of mine. They were taken on Easter Sunday after church. My Girls are Georgeous!!!! I don't know what I did to deserve
Anyway, have a great day! -Pat__Man |
![]() | Currently Reading The Shadow Rising (The Wheel of Time, Book 4) By Robert Jordan see related |
Well, It's been a while since I've been here... for that I apologize. I do have an announcement.. Good news! We are going to have another baby!!! I'm hoping for a son this time, though I LOVE my daughters! I have a suspicion he may look like this picture here... we'll just have to see. LOL
Nice piercings and Tats!!
Let's see... things I've been thinking about lately...
For one... the new Bat Man. I can't wait for this thing to come. I've gotten back into comic books since I came back to Baton Rouge, and I'm collecting the Superman/Batman comic. Basically this is the Goodie Two Shoes (Superman) and the "Dark" superhero... From what I've seen about this movie they take BatMan back to the "darkness" he has had in the comics. You finally get to see his history and training and where all his gadgets come from. I think this will be the best BatMan movie we've seen. That is of course except for the original BatMan and Robin. Nothing can best those guys!!!! KAPOW!!! BOP!!! BASH!! CA-RASH!!!!
HHMM... So what else is on my mind...
This is one of the bast animated films I've ever seen!!! I love this flick! I like the mix of comedy, creative story, gadgets, characters and of course Super Heroes!! What more could you ask for? This file is awesome. My Mom bought the film and of course Lawren asked to "borrow" it. (As if it will ever be returned) and I have watched it 3 times. This is one "cartoon" I don't think I'll get tired of. At least not like Spirit or any of the other thousand movies we have. If you have not seen this film you must rent it and watch it... actually save your money from renting and go ahead and buy this flick. You will not be disappointed.
I love Fantasy novels, movies, stories, games. You name it... if it has a Fantasy back drop, I'm gonna love it. I've been playing a card game that has a fantasy back ground. I used to playit back in like 1998, but I played for a year or two then quit. Well, recently I've picked it back up and found that they have an online version of the game. So now I'm playing both. I've got a good friend of mine who also has begun to play (I take full responsibility in getting him hooked) and it has become a great past time and stress relief. If you dig this kind of thing... this is the game that Pokemon and Yu Gi Oh have all based their card game product off of... it is called Magic : The Gathering. If you don't like that sort of thing... then don't worry about it. Anyway, I've rattle on for WAY to long and I've got work to do and loans to close!!! Yee Haw!!! See you later...